Emergent Learning

The learning environment cultivated inside of an organization either enables or deters leaders from growing and transforming their capabilities. We came across Sahana Chattopadhyay’s Medium article (published July 31st), “Six Enablers of Emergent Learning” which beautifully speaks to organizational culture’s influence on leadership inclusive of underlying principles that are critical to foresight.
She specifically discusses the concept of emergent learning, which focuses on a reflection and sensemaking approach.
Chattopadhyay says, “I believe holding space for emergent learning is one of the pre-conditions for creating a thrivable and anti-fragile organization, one which flourishes in the face of change and disruption by leaning into the emerging future.”
She proceeds by contrasting emergent learning from continuous learning, which on the surface may seem relatively similar. However, Chattopadhyay argues that emergent learning takes the additional steps of challenging existing paradigms, which we know is crucial to creating the future.
For organizations to successfully adopt emergent learning, she says they must abandon antiquated, cog-in-the-wheel methods, and integrate six enabling conditions. Do you notice how these are all also conditions of foresight and the makeup of a futurist leader?
- Sensing and Sensemaking
- Generative Conversation
- Diverse Collaboration
- Accepting Uncertainty and Ambiguity
- Systems Thinking
- Reflective Practices
We encourage you to read Chattopadhyay’s full article here to continue making connections between emergent leadership and foresight.