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Impacting Decision-Making through Transformational Futures with Sohail Inayatullah & Frank Spencer

Is the power of foresight best expressed in helping us to make meaningful decisions within our present framework, or in uncovering decisions that we didn’t even know we needed to make? (Better yet, ones that we COULD make if we realized our higher-order potential.) In this video, Futurists Sohail Inayatullah (Metafutures) and Frank Spencer (TFSX) discuss the shifting of our decision-matrix through the powerful lens of transformational futures thinking and foresight.

Sohail Inayatullah

UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies at the Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity

Professor Sohail Inayatullah /sə’heɪl ɪnaɪʌ’tʊla/, a political scientist, is the UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies at the Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity, IIUM, Malaysia. He is also a Professor at Tamkang University, Taipei (Graduate Institute of Futures Studies) and an Associate, Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne. From 2016 – 2020 he was the UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies at USIM, Malaysia. From 2001-2020, he was an Adjunct Professor at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. From 2011-2014, he was Adjunct Professor at the Centre for policing, counterterrorism and intelligence, Macquarie University, Sydney. In 1999, he was the UNESCO Chair in European Studies at the University of Trier, Germany.

In 2016, Professor Inayatullah was awarded the first UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies. In 2010, he was awarded the Laurel award for all-time best futurist by the Shaping Tomorrow Foresight Network. In March 2011, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. He received his doctorate from the University of Hawaii in 1990. Inayatullah has lived in Islamabad, Pakistan; Bloomington, Indiana; Flushing, New York; Geneva, Switzerland; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Brisbane and Mooloolaba, Australia.

Inayatullah is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Futures Studies and on the editorial boards (or scientific advisor)  of FuturesProut Journal, World Future ReviewWorld Futures, Futuribles, and Foresight. He has written more than 400  journal articles, book chapters, encyclopedia entries and magazine editorials. His articles have been translated into a variety of languages, including Catalan, Spanish, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Indonesian, Farsi, Arabic, and Mandarin. Inayatullah has also written and co-edited twenty-sux books/cdroms, including:CLA 3,0: Thirty Years of Transformative Research (with Ralph Mercer, Ivana Milojevic, and John A. Sweeney);  What Works: Case Studies in the Practice of ForesightCLA 2.0: Transformative Research in Theory and Practice (2015, and Ivana Milojević); Questioning the Future: Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation (2007); Macrohistory and Macrohistorians: Perspectives on Individual, Social, and Civilizational Change (1997 and Johan Galtung). His latest (2018) book include Asia 2038: Ten Disruptions That Change Everything (in English, Mandarin, and Korean and Lu Na), Futures Thinking and Foresight: Why Foresight Matters for Policy Makers (Susann Roth) and Infectious Futures: Reflections, Visions, and Worlds Through and Beyond C0VID-19 (Ramos, Black and Sweeney).

Frank Spencer

Creative Director

In 2009, Frank founded Kedge – a global foresight, innovation, and strategic design firm which pioneered TFSX. Throughout his career, Frank has worked  as a leadership coach and developer with entrepreneurs, social communities, networking initiatives, and SMEs, helping them in areas such as development, innovation, and networking.

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