Leverage Natural Foresight® to develop your career.

Natural Foresight® Case Study: Personal Development

An excerpt from The Guide to Natural® Foresight Framework

Case Study: Foresight-Fueled Personal Development 


A higher education administrator was at a career crossroads. As she approached the standard retirement age, traditional career mapping suggested a linear path forward. Yet, she felt there were more opportunities she was missing.


Guided through a series of career foresight coaching sessions that leveraged a foresight toolkit and philosophy, she developed multiple personal maps informed by external trends and internal inquiry. ese “whole person” scenarios integrated all aspects of the desired future self — mental, physical,emotional, spiritual, relational, and beyond. Specifically, the coaching sessions included themes such as reframing, rethinking, redesigning, and reimagining her personal journey. As the preferred visions were identified, she and the coach collaborated on an action plan, backcasting from the aspirations to present day.


  • Reframed mindset for the world of emerging trends, accelerating complexity, and the need for transformational thinking in the development of career visioning.
  • Development of an action plan that helped determine the appropriate time for the individual to change course, adapt, avoid roadblocks, or seize new opportunities.
  • Establishment of a personalized map that integrated personal and professional aspirations and provided strategies on how to include others in making those futures come to life.

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