Tool Spotlight – Level Up Your Scanning
What Can Crime Investigations Teach Us About Futures Intelligence? What does hunting for a killer have in common with hunting for signals? I’m so glad you asked! If you’ve watched any crime dramas or murder mystery flicks then you know the fearless detective always ends up standing in front of an evidence board, meticulously stretching yarn across push pins, noting connections between seemingly unrelated data points. With images, notes, and headlines connected with string or yarn, these visual collages…
7 Shifts in the Age of Opportunity
What are the rules and characteristics of this new era, The Age of Opportunity?
Not Just Competitive Intelligence, but Futures Intelligence
VUCA—volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous—is an acronym coined by the U.S. military to describe the geo-political environment after the Cold War. Today, business leaders have adopted the term to describe their Monday mornings.
What is Futures Thinking?
What is futures thinking? Is it the same as Strategic Foresight? What makes someone a futurist? Futures thinking is a mindset that is most commonly associated with creative problem-solving and bold, provoking innovations. Strategic Foresight is a decades-old discipline that allows us to create functional views of alternative futures and possibilities. Through this process, organizations are better prepared for potential threats and are able to capitalize on hidden opportunities. You can think of Strategic Foresight as a sport, a futurist…
The ART of Leadership: Harnessing Complexity To Solve Wicked Problems
The conditions are right for us to find solutions to our long-standing problems if we have the courage to be adaptive, resilient and transformative (ART).
A Superhero Named Complexity
We love it when a story or movie has a resolution, or when the conflicts we face can be overcome with a straightforward answer. More specifically, we love it when all of our problems and solutions fit neatly into the confines of our prevailing mental models. We get exasperated and become belligerent when our stories don’t go according to a fixed script, or when our heroes don’t always wear masks and capes when defeating the villain.
A Transformationalist’s Guide To Saving The Future
Old systems that were built on mindsets of linear thinking, simplistic viewpoints and predictable models act as traps that keep us from evolving past short-term strategies, fear-based governance and “fight and flight” reactions.
The Shift
Right now, the world feels like it has shifted a bit on its axis. It is as if someone flicked the globe with their fingers bouncing us back and forth. Soon the world will settle on a new axis point. As a result, our new normal will emerge and everything we know to be true today is open to a new interpretation.
Holoptic Foresight Dynamics® Primer
A short primer from Kedge Founder Frank Spencer on the concept and application of Holoptic Foresight Dynamics™(HFD).
Escaping The Flat-Earth Apocalypse
Whether you see this ideology as just another attention-grabbing stunt in the age of YouTube influencers or as a tell-tale sign of an antiquated educational system, one thing is for sure: conspiracy theories are on the rise.