Leverage Natural Foresight® to develop your career.

About TFSX

“X” stands for experience, expertise, exploration, expansion, excitement… and “X” marks YOUR yet-to-be-discovered future.

Who we are

Our mission is to democratize the future.

TFSX offers comprehensive advisory services, developmental programs, certification and credentialing, asynchronous courses, experiential events, communities of practices, dynamic networking, and opportunity-laden dream building.

We bring you a universe of foresight focused on elevating the futures mindset as a common operating system of care, empathy, and love — not only for the world around us, but for the world(s) yet to come.

Why we do what we do

We believe that the future is being created every day.

In our world of growing volatility and uncertainty, making decisions is overwhelming.

You and I are living in a “new normal.” However, our businesses, institutions, and systems are operating with the mindset of a bygone era.

In reality, you are already creating the future. Each and every one of us live in the reality created by our decisions.

Most decisions are made on “autopilot.” However, even when we walk into the future unintentionally, our actions determine our outcomes.

So, when it’s time to plan for the future, we most often make spreadsheets that leverage historical data.

We copy + paste financial projections. Our 10 year strategic plans look a lot like the ones we created last year.

It’s time for you and me to wake up! Our world is unprecedentedly complex, and we need to adopt a radically different approach to the future.

We embrace a new approach.

A new approach to making decisions. A new approach to building our organizations and communities. A new approach to life.

The truth is that we all have an ethical and moral obligation to design a better future.

We owe it to future generations, but we also owe it to ourselves.

When you think of it that way, Futures Thinking and Foresight is the most radical form of self-care.

Your best future is awaiting you, you just need to have the courage to map it.

How we map the future

Solve every challenge through Futures Thinking

You are probably someone who likes to solve problems.

You’ve tried so many approaches. You’ve gone through the steps. You got to the end and patted yourself on the back.

But then something unexpected happens. A pandemic, an acquisition, a re-org, or a stressful personal event.

So, you solve this new problem like you have all the others – from the standpoint of the problem.

However Futures Thinking breaks free from the limitations of the present, and begins with the future in mind.

This allows us to pull ourselves into possibilities and opportunities in ways that processes grounded in the present cannot!

Futures Thinking can even help us pull the future into the present, elevating our potential far beyond the confines of today’s most impactful ideas.

When we map rigorous and robust alternative futures, we break-free from a mechanistic and unnatural perspective.

Practice Foresight… naturally

We believe that emergence and complexity are organic structures found throughout nature that we need to embrace in our organizational models – not abandon for linear processes.

One root cause behind many of the prevailing issues in our institutions is a betrayal of life’s inherent intelligence.

For this reason, we leverage a holistic framework for thinking and acting on the future called Natural Foresight®.

Natural Foresight® exposes leaders and organizations to an action-based approach to building futures thinking. This framework includes foresight tools such as environmental scanning, assumption and bias modeling and scenario development, but is organized in an adaptive, resilient and transformative approach that has been successfully implemented in large, multinational firms.

Leadership Team

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Frank W. Spencer IV

Co-Founder and Creative Director

In 2009, Frank founded Kedge – a global foresight, innovation, and strategic design firm which pioneered TFSX. Throughout his career, Frank has worked  as a leadership coach and developer with entrepreneurs, social communities, networking initiatives, and SMEs, helping them in areas such as development, innovation, and networking. He holds a Master of Arts in Strategic Foresight from Regent University. With a strong background in both business and academic foresight, Frank was the creator and lead instructor of The Futures Institute: Shaping The Future Now at Duke University’s Talent identification Program Institute, teaching students to use Futures Thinking and foresight to develop transformative solutions to grand challenges (2010, 2011). He has worked on Strategic Foresight projects for companies such as Kraft, Mars, Marriott, and The Walt Disney Company. He is a prolific speaker, having delivered presentations to groups and conferences around the globe for over the last 20 years. Frank holds memberships in World Futures Society (WFS) and Association for Professional Futurists (APF).

“Saying we should kill complexity is similar to suggesting that we stop breathing in order to avoid the flu. In this new world of rapid change, we must learn to ‘dance with complexity’ rather than attempting to kill it. The more complex our world, the bigger our canvas becomes on which to paint an unlimited amount of transformational and aspirational ideas.”

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Yvette Montero Salvatico

Co-Founder and Managing Director

Holding a bachelor’s degree in Finance and an MBA from the University of Florida, Yvette has over 15 years of corporate experience with large, multi-national firms such as Kimberly-Clark and The Walt Disney Company. Before co-founding TFSX, she led the effort to establish the Future Workforce Insights division at the Walt Disney Company, identifying future workforce trends and leveraging foresight models and techniques to assess potential threats and impacts, emerging ideas, and exciting opportunities for the organization. With membership in organizations such as Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM), Association for Talent Development (ATD), Association for Professional Futurists (APF), and World Futures Society (WFS), Yvette is an experienced and polished speaker, leadership coach, and consultant, addressing large audiences and organizations on topics such as business policy, talent, work, diversity, career management, strategy, innovation, foresight, and Futures Thinking.

“We must make sense, not spreadsheets, and transcend trends to pick up on patterns. Data-driven approaches become a worn and familiar blanky that leaves us vulnerable to threats while blinding us to new opportunities. This means that relying on trend analysis and even big data – a concept that is only in its infancy – will not suffice.”

Nicole Baker Rosa

Head of Human Design and Development

Nicole grows and nurtures diverse relationships throughout TFSX. With over a decade of foresight experience, she is a skilled speaker and thought leader in foresight implementation, offering expertise in the tools and processes required for culture change and capacity development. She previously worked in the higher education sector, specifically in student engagement, program development, and certifications. Nicole holds a Master of Arts in Interpersonal Communication and Diversity Certificates from the University of Central Florida as well as a Bachelor of Science in Public Relations from the University of Florida. She is a published author in foresight textbooks and industry journals such as Organizational Change Management contributing research on generational perceptions in the workplace and communication rules. Nicole holds membership in the Association for Professional Futurists (APF), National Communication Association (NCA), the Greater Orlando Organization Development Network (GOOD), and EPIC (Ethnography).

“Foresight’s most powerful trait is its ability to transform mindsets. Strategic Foresight builds our confidence in constructing and imprinting on the future. We realize we are equipped to do so by practicing a shared language to navigate toward previously unforeseen possibilities.”

TFSX Global Guides & Hosts

TFSX also partners with various professionals and futures thinkers around the world to extend the reach of Natural Foresight, deepen our knowledge base, and strengthen our work for clients and users alike.

Sustainability Commitment

At TFSX, we cultivate an evolving definition of sustainability in our overarching philosophy, culture, offerings, and client relationships.