The world is more complex than ever before, and this means that old ways of developing strategy, managing change and creating innovation are no longer adequate in our landscape of accelerating and exponential change. For this reason, we are excited to offer our holistic framework for thinking and acting on the future – Natural Foresight® – as an open source framework for everyone.
Natural Foresight® Framework (NFF) has been specifically designed to leverage our ever-changing world of increasing complexity for greater discovery, novelty, and transformation.
Over the past decade, the Framework has inspired the work of countless entrepreneurs, innovators, and practitioners. The very essence of Natural Foresight has allowed it to be a critical element of our mission to democratize foresight. As an organic, open and holistic model, Natural Foresight is widely accessible and applicable.
TFSX wants to continue to remove all barriers in creating the future. As a result and effective immediately, Natural Foresight® will be available as an open source framework indefinitely!
While Kedge (dba TFSX) owns and retains copyright and trademark for the Natural Foresight® Framework, we grant you the right to make use of the materials as they are, or in modified form. You may translate, modify, print, network, reformat or change the materials in any way providing that you meet the terms of the license.
The Natural Foresight® Framework has been released under the Creative Commons license Attribution 4.0 International, allowing everyone to share, copy, redistribute, remix, transform, and build upon NFF in any medium and format, and for any purpose, even commercially. We would be very interested to see copies of, or links to, derivative works. If you would like to share these with us, please email details to
If you use or amend or incorporate content from the Natural Foresight® Framework, which is provided under a Creative Commons license, use the following attribution:
Natural Foresight® by TFSX is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International
In order to best understand why we came to the decision for the Natural Foresight® Framework to become open source, it’s important to appreciate what makes NFF such a powerful framework for advancing foresight and futures thinking into the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environment of the 21st Century:
Are you ready to use NFF in your work, practice or research? Learn more about how the Natural Foresight Framework leverages complexity.
“By mastering Futures Thinking, we are no longer trapped in chasing our own tail by forecasting based on outdated historical data; we begin to unlock the opportunities before they become widely available to other market players. By doing this, our company begins to pioneer the market changes and becomes a true industry innovator.”
Evgeny Lavrov, The Walt Disney Company CIS
Foresight-Fueled Integration: Walt Disney International
Facing aggressive growth targets coupled with a need to significantly increase its workforce, Walt Disney International (WDI) decided to launch an effort to prepare for the future.
Walt Disney International spearheaded a foresight effort, specifically following the Natural Foresight® Framework, that included fifteen Futures Teams established in 10 geographic regions. Through this multi-year engagement, hundreds of new futurists were trained and dozens of advanced practitioners were identified to lead the integration of sustainable foresight across its markets. Some of tangible outcomes resulting from this organization-wide competency development include:
• More than 500 leaders around the globe were trained in the Natural Foresight® approach and immediately began applying the standard toolkit.
• Traditional strategic planning processes have been revamped to include futures intelligence and scenario planning, and the organization has pursued specific business strategies as a direct result of its foresight efforts.
• To support change management efforts, advanced practitioners were selected to receive additional training and became foresight trainers.
• Broader company leadership has taken notice, declaring Strategic Foresight as one of the top enterprise-wide leadership competencies.
Foresight-Fueled Strategy: Orlando Economic Partnership
After a successful merger, the Orlando Economic Partnership (OEP) was embarking on an ambitious plan to reconceptualize economic development to achieve broad-based prosperity. OEP was seeking to sequence its strategic priorities with an immersive, participatory and future-focused approach that ensured stakeholder ownership.
Building upon OEP’s transformative strategic framework and its vision for “a regional approach to broad-based prosperity,” TFSX assisted the organization by leading a collective effort which engaged leadership, staff and stakeholders in creating the future today. This ambitious plan to reconceptualize economic development through participatory engagement to achieve broad-based prosperity kicked-off in May 2018 with a goal to inform the Fiscal Year 2019 plan.
After an immersion phase which included: targeted interviews, a Delphi survey administered to over 300 individuals and extensive trend research; TFSX lead OEP and its stakeholders through the process of discovering, exploring, mapping, and creating strategic transformations with a series of face-to-face foresight-fueled work sessions. The result was Launch to Tomorrow, an ambitious three-year plan that has established an updated modality for the development, validation, and implementation of regional priorities.
“We are prepared for, and dedicated to, shaping tomorrow. This manifesto is reflected in the myriad of regional initiatives underway from substantial investment in our infrastructure, business-friendly governance and collaborative educational ecosystem to our accelerated implementation of sustainable solutions and commitment to inclusivity. The spirit of innovation through technology propels Orlando forward.”
The Orlando Economic Partnership