Tool Spotlight – Futures Wheels: Reimagined!
Futures Wheels are simple. In the center of the tool is the issue to be explored, surrounded by a series of concentric circles that increase in time further away from the subject. The exercise begins with identifying immediate consequences that result from the initial issue. Each ring that follows is further out in time and includes consequences of the ones before, like ripples from a pebble in a lake.
Creating Foresight-Fueled Action: Sophie Howe
Former Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Sophie Howe, shares her vision with TFSX Co-Founder Frank Spencer in this latest installment of Creating Foresight-Fueled Action. Her “Manifesto for the Future” proposes bold ideas like universal basic income to tackle the challenges of an aging population in a changing economy. Sophie believes embedding a foresight culture is key to driving progress. She states that we must nurture a system where leaders can lift their heads above today’s crises to envision – and…
Tool Spotlight – Level Up Your Scanning
What Can Crime Investigations Teach Us About Futures Intelligence? What does hunting for a killer have in common with hunting for signals? I’m so glad you asked! If you’ve watched any crime dramas or murder mystery flicks then you know the fearless detective always ends up standing in front of an evidence board, meticulously stretching yarn across push pins, noting connections between seemingly unrelated data points. With images, notes, and headlines connected with string or yarn, these visual collages…
Creating Foresight-Fueled Action: Andrea Busquets and Pablo Reyes Arellano
In this interview, TFSX Principal Frank Spencer speaks with ARTEFACTO Founders Andrea Busquets and Pablo Reyes Arellano about their work with organizations and to “move social structures, improve quality of life, be disruptive, imagine what does not exist and bring it to life.”
Creating Foresight-Fueled Action: Dr. Shawna Pandya
In this edition of TFSX’s Creating Foresight-Fueled Action series, Principal Frank Spencer digs into the possibilities for thriving that stem from humanity’s desire to explore with physician, aquanaut, dive medical technician, speaker, martial artist, skydiver, and VP of Immersive Medicine at Luxsonic Technologies, Dr. Shawna Pandya.
Creating Foresight-Fueled Action: AI Beyond the Hype Panel Video
In this video, Principal Frank Spencer (TFSX) interviews data & technology, education, cultural, and foresight experts Taylor Crain, aimee whitcroft, Christopher Rice, and Michael Compton as they look beyond the surface arguments surrounding AI to investigate how this technology speaks to our current narratives of hyper-efficiency, unlimited productivity, and Western rationality.
Free eBook: Embodying a Future that is ALIVE
One thing often overlooked in the numerous descriptions of what makes a good futurist is the personal worldview of those doing trend hunting, pattern making, scenario writing, and speculative designing. Some of us are more pessimistic about the future; others lean toward believing in positive possibilities and outcomes. Some believe in the unlimited potential of humanity, while others see people as life’s biggest problem. Of course, there are many philosophical shades in-between these extremes. Still, one thing rings true no…
Creating Stories of Change: Reframing Causal Layered Analysis as Narrative Transformation
The Importance of Story in Organizations and Society The early 21st Century has been characterized as a time of great global change, reframing the way that we connect, create, and consume. This profound shift in human development is not only a catalyst for the destruction of our antiquated industrial systems, but is also facilitating the emergence of new models of transformation.
3 Ways to a Fearless Future
While it is tempting to retreat into a reactionary, fear-based operational model given our changing world, this is actually the least effective strategy. We must first discover where our natural strengths lie. Then, we can explore the strengths and weaknesses of each of the three leadership traits. Success in our complex world requires us to understand the art of embodying and leveraging all three traits.
Creating Foresight-Fueled Action: Suzette Brooks Masters
In this video, Principal Frank Spencer (TFSX) interviews Suzette Brooks Masters – A social entrepreneur with a long track record of creating positive change in our society. Thought leader and strategist in the fields of social cohesion, democracy, and futures. Suzette uses her extensive philanthropic, non-profit, research, advocacy, program development, and legal experience to advise foundations, non-profit organizations, policymakers, and corporations on how to respond to the significant demographic shifts that have transformed America after decades of immigration and to…