Leverage Natural Foresight® to develop your career.

Tool Spotlight – Level Up Your Scanning

What Can Crime Investigations Teach Us About Futures Intelligence? What does hunting for a killer have in common with hunting for signals? I’m so glad you asked! If you’ve watched any crime dramas or murder mystery flicks then you know the fearless detective always ends up standing in front of an evidence board, meticulously stretching yarn across push pins, noting connections between seemingly unrelated data points. https://vimeo.com/870049103/a0e8e8c1d0?share=copy With images, notes, and headlines connected with string or yarn, these visual collages…

If all constraints were removed…

the year of free is over but Our mission remains In 2022 we launched a grand experiment, granting free tuition, access, and inspiration for the entire year. By all measures, the Year of Free was an unbelievable success, with our community growing and more individuals gaining the skills and mindsets to create more equitable futures. But all good things must come to an end, right? As its name declared, the YEAR of Free was always meant to have a specific…

What is Futures Thinking?

What is futures thinking? Is it the same as Strategic Foresight? What makes someone a futurist? Futures thinking is a mindset that is most commonly associated with creative problem-solving and bold, provoking innovations. Strategic Foresight is a decades-old discipline that allows us to create functional views of alternative futures and possibilities. Through this process,  organizations are better prepared for potential threats and are able to capitalize on hidden opportunities. You can think of Strategic Foresight as a sport, a futurist…

3 Ways to Challenge Assumptions

A new way of thinking first requires a fresh way of seeing and measuring the world around us. There are several ways you can challenge your worldviews through the Natural Foresight® Discover facet.

Unconscious Futures Modeling

In recent years, huge companies such as Google and Facebook have adopted the practice of “Unconscious Bias Modeling,” taking their employees through workshops to uncover hidden biases and assumptions that are impacting innovation, diversity, creativity and decision making.

A Superhero Named Complexity

We love it when a story or movie has a resolution, or when the conflicts we face can be overcome with a straightforward answer. More specifically, we love it when all of our problems and solutions fit neatly into the confines of our prevailing mental models. We get exasperated and become belligerent when our stories don’t go according to a fixed script, or when our heroes don’t always wear masks and capes when defeating the villain.

A Transformationalist’s Guide To Saving The Future

Old systems that were built on mindsets of linear thinking, simplistic viewpoints and predictable models act as traps that keep us from evolving past short-term strategies, fear-based governance and “fight and flight” reactions.