Leverage Natural Foresight® to develop your career.

It’s Time To Drop The F-Bomb On Culture

We know what you’re probably thinking: “Wow! Quite the title for a post. They went for it,” or “These guys have finally lost it… they’re nuts!” Well, we might be nuts. But that’s not the point. The point is that it’s time to f_____ culture. Of course, we’re not referring to any group’s national or societal culture. Rather, we’re talking about the system of shared values, beliefs and assumptions that governs how people behave within a company. You know, the…

Launch to Tomorrow

President and CEO of the Orlando Economic Partnership’s Tim Giuliani and Kedge Founder/TFS Co-Founder Frank Spencer discuss how Strategic Foresight is the core to the seven-county region’s Launch to Tomorrow.

Reimagining Life in the Cloud

Many are wondering what is in store for humanity after The Great Pause. Beyond asking “When?” Or “How?”, a better question may be, “Where will our futures take place?”

Driving Impact in Change

Change management efforts often fail because they focus on the issues as they bubble up to the surface. This results in Band-Aid solutions that fail to address the underlying culture and guiding narratives of an organization.

It’s Time to Democratize the Future

“What problem are you solving?” The question is so important because of the big world problems that each and every one of us must address such as climate change, economic inequality and population displacement. However, it’s also a question for the hoard of tech-crazed unicorn chasers who are creating the next wave of supposedly indispensable gadgets. Are they solving problems, or creating solutions where no problems exist? The definition of success in the land of technotopia certainly feels a little…

Transforming Libraries

Public libraries have long been considered to be on the brink of irrelevancy and extinction, fending off assertions that Google would replace librarians – the original “search engines” – or that eBooks would replace print books. Thus, it’s easy for the technophiles to imagine that libraries as “repositories” would no longer be necessary. Nevertheless, libraries were fundamentally designed to evolve and transform into places and platforms of innovation and collaboration. What sets libraries apart from most organizations and institutions is…

Equipment Leasing Foundation Case Study

Change management efforts often fail because they focus on the issues as they bubble up to the surface. The result is Band-Aid solutions that fail to address the underlying culture and guiding narratives of an organization. To achieve long-lasting change, we must explore what is beneath the obvious to understand why this issue exists in the first place. Foresight uncovers the dynamics of our present story while also creating pathways to our preferred outcomes. We all have a natural filter…

Foresight Case Studies

We are no stranger to the question, “Do you have a case study about X foresight work you conducted with X organization?” While over the years we’ve had a variety of briefs detailing transformation in strategy, city development, innovation, change, and culture via our foresight toolkit, we did not have a start-to-finish case study in writing. 2019 is the year that changes!