Leverage Natural Foresight® to develop your career.

Driving Impact in Personal Career Development

Strategic Foresight is the key to reframing our outdated, Industrial Age processes that are no longer effective in our Postnormal environment (Sardar, 2010). One such antiquated process is career development.

The Shift

Right now, the world feels like it has shifted a bit on its axis. It is as if someone flicked the globe with their fingers bouncing us back and forth. Soon the world will settle on a new axis point. As a result, our new normal will emerge and everything we know to be true today is open to a new interpretation.

Stimulate the Future

Yvette Montero Salvatico, TFS Co-Founder, and Kim Nesbitt, Senior Risk Management Consultant for Halvik and TFS Alumni, engage in a rich conversation in The Future Speaks webcast.

Foresight in the Garden of Good and Evil

If an extraterrestrial came to Earth and studied our viewing habits, they would probably be puzzled at this preoccupation that our world is definitely doomed, and the only question is how it will meet its end. Our seeming obsession with our demise has spread across all other areas of our lives, until we are surrounded by a pessimistic view of our world in general.

Escaping The Flat-Earth Apocalypse

Whether you see this ideology as just another attention-grabbing stunt in the age of YouTube influencers or as a tell-tale sign of an antiquated educational system, one thing is for sure: conspiracy theories are on the rise.

Scanning = Lifeblood

Environmental scanning is the lifeblood of Strategic Foresight. It provides the qualitative and quantitative data points that inform maps of possible futures from which decisions and strategies will be formed.