Natural Foresight as a Panarchy
The adaptive systems within a panarchy are most commonly represented by a figure eight or an infinity symbol. This demonstrates how the various phases within the system alternate in a continual cycle rather than following a straight line that has a clear-cut beginning and end.
Foresight: The Most Important Leadership Skill of the 21st Century
Leadership qualities tend to be timeless. It’s why we look back through history at the esteemed individuals who led successful businesses, governments and social initiatives. The thinking goes that, if we can emulate these trailblazers, we will be successful leaders too.
4 Ways to Overcome Blind Spots Using Strategic Foresight
Unconscious bias refers to the stereotypes, both negative and positive, that exist in our subconscious and affect our behavior (including data selection and interpretation). Interest in unconscious bias modeling has skyrocketed over the past decade. As the global workforce becomes increasingly diversified and the speed of change more volatile, our internal blinders to new people, information and ideas have kicked into overdrive.
3 Ways You Can Begin Leading From the Future
If you’re in a position of leadership today, then you’ve definitely experienced what it means to be “environmentally challenged.”
Unconscious Futures Modeling
In recent years, huge companies such as Google and Facebook have adopted the practice of “Unconscious Bias Modeling,” taking their employees through workshops to uncover hidden biases and assumptions that are impacting innovation, diversity, creativity and decision making.
We’re Building The Future, And It Looks Just Like Today
As futurists, it is our job to help clients to build the future. That may mean that we are helping them to identify potential risks, discover emerging opportunities or simply navigate the unfolding trends.
How Creativity Grows from Natural Foresight®
One of the greatest deficits of our time is an impoverishment of “creativity generators” or cultures of creativity within our organizations.
2020 Hindsight
As we seek to gain clarity amidst the unprecedented impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is clear many were caught off guard, seemingly unprepared to deal with a global crisis of this nature.
Foresight in the Garden of Good and Evil
If an extraterrestrial came to Earth and studied our viewing habits, they would probably be puzzled at this preoccupation that our world is definitely doomed, and the only question is how it will meet its end. Our seeming obsession with our demise has spread across all other areas of our lives, until we are surrounded by a pessimistic view of our world in general.
The 3 Environments of Foresight
Horizon scanning is conducted across all three environments of foresight — Macro, Meta, and Micro.