Leverage Natural Foresight® to develop your career.

Scanning = Lifeblood

Environmental scanning is the lifeblood of Strategic Foresight. It provides the qualitative and quantitative data points that inform maps of possible futures from which decisions and strategies will be formed. 

The Keyhole of the Present

Long before the current craze around unconscious bias modeling, foresight professionals were using futures thinking as a critical element in breaking through assumptions and biases to create organizational, cultural, and workforce development and change.

Let’s Get Technical – Natural Foresight® Framework

The Natural Foresight® Framework is presented in four technical facets: Discover, Explore, Map, and Create. Discover: We must look past our present-day models and ideas in order to recognize disruptors on the horizon of business and society.

Defining Strategic Foresight

Strategic Foresight is a decades-old discipline that allows us to create functional views of alternative futures and possibilities.

The Origins of Natural Foresight®

The Natural Foresight® Framework mirrors complex systems and, ultimately, the model of the nested panarchy. This excerpt from The Guide to the Natural Foresight Framework explains the theories supporting the Natural Foresight® Framework. It discusses how the framework not only helps us to leverage complexity as a foundational principle for robust foresight, but it also provides a practical and intuitive approach to futures literacy.

The Push and Pull of the Future

Watch a short clip of a talk that Kedge Principal Yvette Montero Salvatico gave in 2016. Yvette discusses intentionally and purposefully creating aspirational futures, and how Strategic Foresight methods and tools facilitate the ability to pull yourself to the future.

Armed Against the Sea of Uncertainties

“Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them.” Imagine, if you will, a dark and stormy night. Terror crackles or rips, or snaps through the streets like a live wire. Panicked voices cry from every corner. Newscasters with shaky voices urge the public to remain calm, to no avail. Then out of the darkness, with flashing eyes and gnashing…

Why “Ridiculous” Maps of the Future are Useful

Developing and executing business strategy, products and innovative ideas in our current environment demands new approaches and mindsets. Linear methods that rely solely on the extrapolation of historical results are completely ineffective as technological advancements, economic uncertainty, and increased systematic risk become the new normal. To effectively drive understanding, performance, and execution of strategic initiatives, organizations must think and act in “simultaneous multiples” – pressure-testing their strategies in diverse operating environments. 

Autonomous Platform for Transportation Transformation

As part of a regional 3-year plan to reframe economic development through the lens of broad-based prosperity, the Orlando region has leveraged foresight to develop a series of strategic transformations.  One such initiative has been called “Autonomous Connection” and leverages the growing technology of autonomous transportation as a means to create community-wide access and inclusion to services, education, healthcare, jobs, tourism, cultural diversity, and a broader sense of place and belonging. As the Orlando region increases the use of autonomous…