Leverage Natural Foresight® to develop your career.

Alien Eyes (2.2)

Alien Eyes: Foresight-Fueled Action

We’ve reframed the Wicked Problem Alien Invasion as the Wicked Opportunity of Alien Eyes by leveraging the tools within Strategic Foresight. We at The Futures School believe in the power of transformationalist foresight– pulling our aspirational, sustainable visions of the future to today. We call this practice Creating the Future Today.

Introduction to holoptic foresight

Old systems that were built on mindsets of linear thinking, simplistic viewpoints and predictable models act as traps that keep us from evolving past short-term strategies, fear-based governance and “fight and flight” reactions.

In order to truly maneuver through the seas of uncertainty that are constantly rising around us and democratize the future, we must construct a new understanding of how the world actually works – we must move beyond adaptation or resilience as our response to the future, and begin cultivating a mindset of transformational change. But… how? The answer is as big as the question!

If we are going to truly design better tomorrows, we must actively promote an anticipatory way of thinking and acting known as Holoptic Foresight Dynamics. Click the link to watch TFS co-founder Frank Spencer speak about Holoptic Foresight, and listen until the end of this week’s episode for our infusion of Holoptic Foresight Dynamics into our Wicked Opportunity Alien Eyes.

Content One

Yvette and Frank illustrate a world impacted by Alien Eyes by leveraging the Design Futures scenario method. Listen for a product, service, and experience in an Alien Eyes future.

Download the transcript here.

Content Two

Tamarah Usher head shot

On this episode of Creating Foresight-Fueled Action, Yvette Montero Salvatico speaks with Director of Slalom Strategy [S2] and TFS Alumna, Tamarah Usher to discuss a variety of topics around how to make foresight stick for yourself and in an organization. Shifting and challenging worldviews was a theme throughout the conversation, whether it be in relation to a measurement of Tamarah’s professional growth, ways to bring others along, and even parenting our next generation of leaders. Tamarah shares how the future-focused Slalom culture has aided in the success of the foresight community of practice she established at the organization. When considering the future of her organization and industry, she hopes that the design of human and complex systems remains to better serve people, communities, and the planet. To that end, she spoke to the importance of shaking of traditions, unlearning, and approaching solutions from a position of simultaneous multiples. Further, she said we will not only need to reinvent but will need to disrupt.

Watch our interview with Tamarah here.